As a first-time home builder on a 3.5 acre lifestyle block, I discovered SWWS online and after doing some research hired Anita Grant to install the Simple Waste Solutions system. After 14 months and from my experience of this system, I have found it to be reliable, hassle-free and free to run as its gravity fed so there’s no need for a pump which uses electricity unnecessarily. I think the grass filter beds are very pleasing to the eye. They have now tripled in height and are very bushy and healthy- looking. I like the fact that Simple Waste Water Solutions system uses absolutely no chemicals and is great for the environment and the worms. I also like the fact that it was cheaper than other systems like the Natural flow system and other similar ones like the Biolytic System.

Anita is very friendly and experienced and explained the whole process well. She was also very fast and efficient at getting it installed and putting the pipes in place. I would recommend her and this system to others who are thinking about using this system. The Whangarei council was readily accepting of it and it passed inspection without any problems. I imagine that other councils are now opening their eyes and minds to this system as well.

Wishing you well, Best Regards, 

Joanna Bagley

After much researching, we decided to install a solid waste digester verma composting bin by Simple Waste Water Solutions i on our Coromandel Peninsular property in 2012.

We were really excited by the system for a number of reasons. It is supporting a clean environment, extremely low maintenance and requires no power supply.

Our home is seven hours away and so we had to have a system that was going to be totally reliable and easy to manage.

Anita, the owner of SWWS came to do a maintenance check this month and found it in perfect working order. Every part of the plant was working properly and well. This totally reinforced our initial decision to go with SWWS back in 2012.

This system has met all our expectations and more and we can thoroughly recommend it to others who want to choose an alternative waste water system. Thanks SWWS for a wonderful product and top notch service.

Jan and Roydon Day

‘We are so pleased we chose to install the SWWS worm composting septic system (Not sure what the correct name is?)  when we built our house three years ago. We were initially interested as the system is very eco friendly but then also found that it is considerably cheaper than other septic systems on the market.

As the name suggests it is very simple – the whole system works on gravity so there is no need for electricity to run pumps. There are no special filters or technical components that require a specialist to service every 6 months – its all so easy that any maintenance required we do it ourselves. Basically there are no ongoing costs. People often ask ‘Does it smell?’ the answer is ‘Not at all, we wouldn’t put up with that!

We pretty much forget that its even there. We are so pleased with the system and rave about it so much that three of our friends have installed systems as well and they are equally as chuffed as we are!


We did purchased an short drop toilet from Simple Waste Water Solutions approximate 3 years ago the free standing toilet was delivered to our site at Takahoa bay Kaipara district promptly and installed with no fuss by Coll Bell and Anita Grant.

There are no consents or permits needed for this set up. We did use this toilet on an regular basis and found the set up practical and easy to use especially the fact it collects water and stores this in a small tank to use for clean up after use and keep the worms happy, it was also used by the building team when building our garage and cottage.

When I did clean out the worm tank (after 3 years use) I collected 1 wheelbarrow of worms and compost and used this in our garden. The clean out process was relative simple and NO SMELL. Also during the time the toilet was in use NO SMELL.

We did install an Simple Waste Water Solutions system in our cottage and this made our short drop toilet redundant again there was no problems and Anita Grant did buy the unit back and removed it without fuss.

We are very happy with the way Simple Waste Water Solutions looked after us and recommend this company.

J van der Linden (Hans)

We purchased a Short Drop Toilet composting system from SWWSnz (Short Drop Limited) about 4 years ago. We had done a lot of research around this kind of toilet system prior to finding Anita Grant and the Short Drop Unit.

The Short Drop composting system was simple, easy to understand and very practical for our needs. The toilet is located out in the Awhitu Peninsula close to a local church, where weddings are held occasionally. We wanted something that was going to be able to cater for anything between 1 and 30 people at various stages, depending on the occasion. It also had to be environmentally friendly and easy to manage. We also needed to have a water storage system in the area as there are no facilities on the property. To add to the list of requirements, it needed to be able to withstand the strong winds out on the peninsula, and fortunately, thanks to its design, round shape and the material it is made from, it does. So far, after 4 years, the Short Drop system has been everything we required and we haven’t had to empty it yet and there has been absolutely no smell..

Anita Grant and her team are absolutely fantastic to work with. They were able to answer our endless list of questions and always happy to help. Anita came to install the Short Drop Unit and worked professionally and efficiently. We have absolutely no hesitation to recommend them and their product and would do further business with them in the future.

Antonella Coppolino and Patsy DeverallCelebrate The Event Ltd.